Creating a budget is necessary when planning your roof replacement project. When doing this, you should take a number of things into account that could unexpectedly drive up the price of your investment. Besides materials and labor, here are some of the other factors to watch out for:

1. Upgrades
When getting a new roof, you don’t have to choose the same type as your old one. In fact, you can improve the roof as a whole or just some of its parts. For example, you could go for gutters that require less upkeep, choose a better ventilation system for your attic, or a more durable underlayment. Any of these upgrades will cost you money, so you must include them when you get estimates for your roof.
2. Noncompliance with Building Codes
Your local government put building codes in place to keep people safe and your house from getting damaged. If your current roof was built according to regulations from years or decades ago, your new roof needs to be constructed to the latest standards, which means you may need to spend more money to get this project done.
3. Moisture Damage
Damage as a result of too much exposure to water or moisture is usually common in roofs that are nearing the end of their life span. The severity of the issue becomes apparent as soon as the old roof is removed. These should be dealt with before the actual roofing installation can begin. However, this extra step can drive up the cost of your project. Make sure to set aside extra on your budget as a contingency so you won’t overspend.
How to Avoid Unexpected Costs
There are still strategies you can do to avoid spending more than you intended on your roof replacement project. These include:
- Set aside contingencies. If your roof is pretty old, you should be ready for any problems that your roof may uncover. As soon as you determine the budget you need for the project, add about 10% to 20% of the total cost to account for extras.
- Replace your roof in the off-season. Roof replacement is most commonly done in the spring and summer. This means that the price is likely to be higher. If you can, try to replace your roof when it’s cooler and there aren’t as many people looking for roofing services. Replacing your roof in the off-season also gives you access to cheaper roofing materials.
- Communicate with your contractor. Your project’s success depends on you and your contractor being on the same page from start to finish. This helps you track the project’s progress and any concerns.
If you’re planning a full roof replacement this fall, be sure to work with a qualified roofing contractor like Masters Roofing to get the job done right. To find out more about our professional services, call us at (901) 871-7663! You can also fill out our convenient contact form to request an estimate. We serve Memphis, TN, and the surrounding areas.