Unpleasant and nauseating odors coming from under your deck can be disruptive especially when you’re trying to enjoy the outdoors with your friends and family. When dealing with this issue, you don’t have to go and tear everything down. With a few tools and household cleaning products, you can eliminate the smell and get to use your deck once again. Check out these tips from trusted home improvement contractor Masters Roofing.

Determine the Origin
One of the first things you should do is to identify the source of the odor emanating from your deck. This may be difficult depending on the type of deck you have, but it’s the only way to determine how it can be eliminated. There are several ways to deal with the odor, which can be anything from mold and mildew to excrement left behind by small pests and animals. It can even be a decaying carcass, but you won’t know for sure until you check under the deck for yourself to locate the origin of the odor.
How to Effectively Get Rid of the Smell
After determining the cause of the odor, you’ll need to eliminate it immediately. If the odor mostly comes from mold and mildew buildup, you’ll only need to clean your deck with a water and bleach solution. If you notice staining on your deck caused by urine or animal droppings, clean the area with water first before treating the affected area with baking soda. Alternatively, you may spray the surface with vinegar diluted with water.
In case the source of the foul smell comes from a carcass underneath the deck, you may hire a professional to do it if you’re squeamish about it. Otherwise, equip yourself first by wearing a mask and a pair of gloves. Also, have a garden trowel or a long-handled grabber tool with you so you won’t hold the material directly. Prepare a garbage bag so you can easily chuck in the material inside to dispose of it properly.
Our team at Masters Roofing offers expert deck maintenance and replacement services. Give us a call today at (901) 871-7663 to request a quote! You can also fill out our convenient contact form. We serve Memphis, TN, and the surrounding areas in Shelby County.